Quiroga and Associates, P.A.

Contact Info

Forensic Consulting -

Business Overview

Dr. Michele Quiroga is an experienced, licensed clinical psychologist, specializing in neuropsychology and forensic evaluations. She is fully bi-lingual in English and Spanish, with over 20 years of experience in administering neuropsychological tests, diagnosing, and treating various psychological and medical conditions, case consultations, and providing post-doctoral level supervision. Licensed Bi-lingual Neuropsychologist Neuropsychological Evaluations Expert Witness Testimony Forensic Consultations Translation of Testing for Spanish Speaking Patients

Geographic Area

US and Carribean

Line of Business

Health and Medical > Healthcare Professionals > Mental Health Specialists

Brands We Carry

Forensic Consulting Death Penalty Mitigation Neuropsychological Testing

Products And Services

Full battery of neuropsychological assessments, Client history and case conceptualizations, Family/witness interviews, Areas of forensic expertise include: Death penalty litigation, Mental competency, Brain injury, Organic brain disorders, Intellectual deficits, Neurocognitive and dementia assessments, Malingering, Presence or absence of neurological disorders, Post-traumatic stress and trauma-related disorders, Anxiety and mood disorders, and personality disorders.

Additional Information

Forensic Neuropsychological Testing Expert Witness Spinal Cord Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Death Penalty Bilingual testing Summary reviews of existing medical and psychological records, treatment plans and evaluations. Analysis of injury documentation. Evaluations to determine capabilities for independent living.


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